World languages

Year 5 - Warning Tale ppt
Year 5 warning tale powerpoint.
Slides contain all activities (differentiated by outcome)
Follows the talk for writing process to a certain extent.
Hope its some use to you!

Lego Builder
Full powerpoint based on Lego Builders.
We have ran this both with classes in KS1 and KS2 as well as whole school.
The idea of the game is that you have 6 people in a team.
2 planners
2 suppliers and
2 builders.
the planners go and observe 4 different models (made from lego).
each one is harder than the previous.
they then report back to the suppliers as to what bricks are needed.
the suppliers then go to the lego shop to purchase the bricks.
they must then deliver to the builders who will construct and then take back to the lego shop to redeem the value of the build.
as the game goes on, property value decreases therefore stock market value changes.
at the end of the game, each team totals up their earnings.